Mafia Wars Bangkok Dark Uprising 'coming soon'

mafia wars bangkok dark uprising coming soon
mafia wars bangkok dark uprising coming soon

Just when you thought you were done with Mafia Wars Bangkok, the guys behind the scenes lay down another two episodes titled 'Dark Uprising.'

Episodes 6 and 7 will unlock after completing episodes 5a and 5b, and there's not much else to tell other than the fact that this expansion will contain new jobs, new special items and that you'll have to 'fight to re-establish your hold as a major Yakuza and Triad boss.' Not sure if that means you'll have to start over from zero to gain favor with the Yakuza and Triads -- or something else. There's also the promise that you'll cross paths with 'shadowy forces,' (see pic below: don't those guys look 'shadowy' in their black hoods?) whatever that may entail.

mafia wars dark uprising shadowy forces
mafia wars dark uprising shadowy forces
