Horse Gaga on Facebook: Ubisoft launches a new pony sim game

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Ubisoft, the makers of big-budget video games such as Prince of Persia, Assassin's Creed and slew of Tom Clancy action games, seems to be serious about putting down stakes in social gaming. The company launched Tick Tock in July, a game that asks questions about your friends' status in order to disarm virtual bombs. This social/puzzle game was undoubtedly clever, but didn't exactly catch on with the social gaming set. There's also Pokarama, one of dozens of Texas Hold 'Em Games on Facebook.

The gaming giant might gain a better foothold with its brand new Facebook game, Horse Gaga, which combines a two popular social gaming genres -- pet simulation with a Mafia Wars style point-and-click experience. Essentially, players to raise (and race) ponies, starting out racing in lower level competition and eventually work up the big time, earning coins and experience along the way. There's also a breeding element to the game, where you can try to create the ultimate race horse from scratch. Coins can be used to buy decorative horse items and power-ups that will help your horse train, and there are the usual built-in social elements like visiting neighbors and asking friends to help your ponies win races.

We're not sure if we'll go gaga over this horse husbandry/racing game, but we'll be giving these ponies a test run over the next few days. In the meantime, give Horse Gaga a try and let us know what if you think yay or neigh nay.

Play Horse Gaga on Facebook >
