No pound fees in PetVille for this week only

No pound fees in PetVille
No pound fees in PetVille

As a thank you to all PetVille players this week, Zynga are removing pound fees for the whole week. This means that if it has been a day or two since you have logged in to visit your furry friend, you will not return to find them missing and a hefty fee to pay. Pound fees can really add up, especially if you're like me and you have to pay them every time you log in.

For this week only, the price will be zero coins to retrieve your pet from the pound. Your pet will still run away, it just won't cost you any money to get it back. This might be a great time to redecorate your pet's house while they're not there to get in the way.

Does your pet run away to the pound often in PetVille?
