L.A. Insider: West Hollywood's 'Dessert Flirt' Holly Barnes


To some people cheesecake is just a dessert, but for owner and chef of The Dessert Flirt, Holly Barnes, it's an art form.

Barnes shares with us why she enjoys living in West Hollywood -- with it's hidden Farmers' Market and pickles-and-chips shop. And she gives a good argument for not skipping dessert.

Name, Age, Occupation: Holly Barnes, 30, Founder/Chef of The Dessert Flirt

Neighborhood: West Hollywood, Calif.

Abode: Junior one-bedroom, but I have a dining room.

How long have you lived in West Hollywood? Eight years.

What do you love most about your neighborhood?
I love that there's Trader Joe's, Whole Foods, bars, restaurants, dry cleaning ... everything you could possible need is in walking distance. Breakfast places. Flower shops. It's close to my gym. It's got it all.
