What's That Smell, Bro? A Guy's Guide to Keep Your Place From Stinking

clean a smelly apartment
clean a smelly apartment

There's nothing quite like the cacophony of smells to be found in a single-man's apartment. In those years between living at home with their mothers and then their girlfriends or wives, it seems that most single men fail to learn (or implement) basic cleaning skills. Just take a whiff from the funk wafting from a grungy couch or the stink coming out of a cluttered closet, if you don't think it's true.

Thankfully, the sloppiest of bachelors can change his ways, according to Tom McNulty, the author of "Clean Like a Man" who also runs CleanLikeAMan.com -- even if it seems they're biologically incapable of noticing when things need to be cleaned.

"We're just kind of oblivious to the dust," admitted McNulty. "We use the wrong kind of cleaning tools and it doesn't get the job done properly. We get frustrated and let things slide."

So listen up guys, here are some of McNulty's tips to help you get rid of the smells in your apartment.
