Social City: New 50's diner, playground, and toy store

Social City Diner, Playground, and Toy Store
Social City Diner, Playground, and Toy Store

Social City has been promoting limited edition buildings quite heavily in their new gazette, and rotating them out fairly regularly with new real estate. Currently, there are three new options available: a 1950's Diner, a Playground, and a Toy Store. All of these items are all City Bucks, so you will have to spend some cash to get any of these buildings.

The 1950's Diner is available for 59 City Bucks, and is the most expensive (but largest) of the three items. The playground is fairly large and can be bought for 48 City Bucks, and appears to be quite popular since it has the least remaining units (under 6,500 as of this writing). The Toy Story is a fun building and is the cheapest at 25 City Bucks.

Remember, these items are rotated out quite often so you'll have to log in soon to buy them if you are interested. You can find them in the newspaper popup that first comes up when you log in to Social City.

Have you bought any of these three buildings? Which is your favorite?
