Happy Pets Idols offer rewards for a hefty price

Happy Pets Idols offer rewards for a hefty price

Lately, Crowdstar has been releasing a variety of expensive items that cost Facebook Credits rather than the fan preferred currency of Coins. The latest items to be released are a pair of idols in the family friendly game: Happy Pets. The Experience Idol and the Love Idol both offer special bonuses, but is the high price worth it?

The Experience Idol's effect is simply. Once you purchase it and place it somewhere in your Happy Pets estate, it will grant you double experience for everything you do. It never expires either; once purchased, the effect will last forever. Sounds like a good item, but is it fifty dollars good? That's right, the Experience Idol costs 498 Facebook Credits or roughly $50.

Also released, the Love Idol's permanent bonus affects breeding. Buying the Love Idol and placing it in your home will guarantee you 100 percent breeding success once every twenty four hours. This item comes in at a slightly lower price of 398 Facebook Credits or about $40.
