Free downloads: Passion Pit, Lil Wayne, plus David Byrne and Brian Eno

Here's our weekly list of free songs to download to save you some money while getting some music in your hands.

1. Passion Pit: "The MySpace Transmissions"
Crossing electronic pop with alternative dance -- plus the fact that several members attended the Berklee College of Music -- puts Passion Pit (with Michael Angelakos, pictured) a cut above the average freshman act. Besides these four jump-worthy tunes captured in a live studio setting, the group has scored remix credits for OK Go, Tegan and Sara, the Yeah Yeah Yeahs and the recent Lady Gaga/Beyonce "Telephone" duet.

2. Lil Wayne: "A Milli (Absorb Fish Remix)"
Multi-million album seller Lil Wayne may be serving hard times as we speak, but that hasn't stopped the rapper from staying in the public eye. Besides releasing his "Rebirth" CD this year, several of his tracks continue making the remix rounds including this thumping re-imagination of the street savvy selection from 2008's smash CD, "Tha Carter III."
