Tiki Resort introduces air shipments of charms


Tiki Resort have just launched a new feature - the ability to buy air shipments of PIneapple Charms. These charms typically will increase the money that is spent by tourists on your island, and they are generally available in the Shop for 22 Facebook Credits. This new method of attaining the happiness charms only requires shells instead of Facebook Credits, but it will require some patience.

Shipments in Tiki Resort work as follows: You purchase the delivery that you want, and then you have to wait until the air shipment drops. Once it drops, you have to come back to claim them before they spoil. The more charms you want, the longer you'll have to wait. Here is the list of deliveries:

5 Minute Delivery - 1 Pineapple Charm, 6000 shells
2 Hour Delivery - 3 Pineapple Charms, 8000 shells
12 Hour Delivery - 5 Pineapple Charms, 10000 shells
24 Hour Delivery - 10 Pineapple Charms, 20000 shells

This seems like a nice option for those who want to obtain charms but aren't willing to purchase Facebook Credits to do it. Perhaps we'll see other charms in here in the future, or more sizes of shipments. At this point, it is unclear exactly how long you have after the shipment has been delivered before the fruit will spoil. If you know, leave a message in the comments.
