Coming soon to a toy store and theater near you

movie toys buzz lightyear
movie toys buzz lightyear

Movies are expected to generate $1 billion in merchandising this year, according to Time To Play Magazine, so you can bet your Buzz Lightyear that studios and toymakers are going full-throttle for the summer popcorn season.

The Time to Play Spring Showcase in New York City this week highlighted the matinee-manufactured inventory. It doesn't matter that some films might be PG and out of reach for the young. The kind folks in the toy industry have made sure your little ones can still nag you to buy the tie-ins. Since everyone's a critic, you be the judge of whether they're worth the nagging.

"We'll see affordable movie-themed toys available across all categories of products, from action figures, child-sized role-play, games and more," Adrienne Appell, a Toy Industry Association spokeswoman, told WalletPop.
