Tiki Resort: Show off your second island!


It's the week for screenshot contests, as Tiki Resort have just kicked off the search for the perfect Baja Island to feature on their loading screen! Could you imagine seeing your island on the Tiki Resort loading screen...how cool would that be?! Read on to learn how you can enter your screenshot into the contest and win this exciting prize!

They are looking for second islands to add to their loading screen, and if you have a submission you can just post the screenshot here on the official Tiki Resort forums. There are no rules to this competition, but most contests require that you not modify the image using Photoshop or a similar program, and that the images submitted are appropriate in nature. Other than that, the sky is the limit with this contest!

There doesn't seem to be an announced deadline for this contest, so it is possible that it's an ongoing event that you'll always be able to contribute to. Decorate your Baja Island today and submit it in to the contest!
