Spring Cleaning Part I: Unique Ideas, Overlooked Spaces - Living Spaces


A hundred years ago infectious diseases were the number one cause of death. By 1980 that number slid to five; by 2000 it rose to three. According to University of Arizona Professor Dr. Charles Gerda, aka Dr. Germ, infectious diseases will likely be the number one killer again -- and soon. Does that inspire you to spring clean a little more thoroughly this year?

Last week we presented the spring cleaning tips of the celebrities. This week we're talking to a professional: Laura Dellutri, the Healthy Housekeeper.

In this installment, Dellutri gives us her best tips on cleaning our living spaces. (Tomorrow she'll be back to discuss the kitchen and bathroom.)

Get ready to learn about a cleaning magic-wand, the usefulness of a syringe on pet odors, and why you need to freeze your teddy bear....
