PetVille: NEW! Post-It art with Pets-It

Pets-It at the Home Office in PetVille
Pets-It at the Home Office in PetVille
PetVille Pets-It Bunny Head
PetVille Pets-It Bunny Head

Head over to the Home Office in the Furniture store of PetVille and you'll find Pets-It, which is essentially PetVille's version of Post-It notes. Each Pets-It note is 50 Coins, (corkboard sold separately for 1,000 Coins) and comes in four colors: Red, Blue, Pink, and Green. Or you can buy the Heart Pets-It Art Pack for 6,000 Coins, which gives you 50 Red Pets-It and 74 Pink Pets-It, saving you 200 Coins.

While 50 Coins per Pets-It seems a tad pricey, the ability to create one's own wall art is awesome, and the Pets-It Art Packs has a lot of potential. Just look at the image of the blue bunny head on the right from Zynga.
