Pet Society: Peter Pan "Limited Edition" Statue

Pet Society Limited Edition Peter Pan statue
Pet Society Limited Edition Peter Pan statue

Playfish seems to have a slightly skewed idea of the term "limited edition." Things that are in limited edition, such as a Leroy Neiman print, or a Bentley Brooklands, are pretty rare with under 500 copies. But there are 250,000 Peter Pan Statues in Pet Society.

More surprising than this high quantity is that so many people have already snapped these up. The picture above was taken less than two hours after the statue's release. Let's do the math:

250,000 – 241,407 = 8593 statues sold

Given the astronomical price tag of this statue (16,000 coins), we can assume that most of these statues were bought with the help of the Bank, where you can get 18,000 coins instantly for $20 U.S.
