Island Paradise Tiki Wheel rewards players for return visits


Do you log in to Island Paradise every day to tend to your crops, visit your neighbors, and harvest your trees and animals? You're in luck, because there is a brand new Tiki Wheel that will give you rewards simply for logging and spinning the wheel!

This is a feature that many social games have in some form or another. A daily lottery is the perfect way to keep players logging back in and building a connection with the game. The key part of the Island Paradise lottery is that the more consecutive days that you log in, the more the maximum reward will increase.

This is nice because it rewards the truly dedicated players who make it a point to log in every day to visit the game. With all of the choices for Facebook games out there, it's easy for one to be lost in the shuffle. I generally pick the games that reward me for logging in often, that way I know I'm getting the most for my time.

What about you? Do you enjoy the daily lotteries in games?
