Zynga raises $130K for Huntington's disease and safe water

mafia wars huntington's disease society of america
mafia wars huntington's disease society of america

Zynga, as many gripes as people might have about this company's dubious practices, has done a good job at using its games to raise big bucks for various causes, bringing in around $3 millions by selling limited edition premium items in FarmVille, Mafia Wars and other popular Facebook games.

Most recently, two charity items raised $130 million for the Huntington's Disease Society of America and Water.org, which aims to delivery safe drinking water to developing countries.

fishville water wrasse
fishville water wrasse

Roughly 24,000 players bought the HDSA Exploding Teddy Bear in Mafia Wars to raise case for Huntington's disease research For those who are not familiar with this disease, you can read more about it here. Several thousand FishVille players also bought a limited edition fish -- the Water Wrasse -- and the proceeds will be used to deliver clean drinking water to people in Haiti.

Have you even bought a virtual item in a game for charity? Which one?
