Restaurant City reveals Salmon Surprise -- a free Sushi Bar

Unlock your Restaurant City Sushi Bar
Unlock your Restaurant City Sushi Bar

Restaurant City brought out the Salmon Surprise yesterday, and players who built their Salmon Sashimi up to Level 10 got their hands on a spankin' new Sushi Bar. It's also known as kaitenzushi in Japanese, and "conveyor belt sushi" in English. And yes, "conveyor belt" means the Sushi Bar is animated!

To get your free Sushi Bar, look to your user toolbar on the bottom of the screen and click on the "New!" mini-Sushi Bar icon.

Restaurant City tool bar
Restaurant City tool bar

It also would've been nice if the game released little conveyor booths where you can join the parts together to build a belt as long as you wanted, and where it'll also serve the Japanese dishes that you learned from the game. Maybe Cafe World can give that a try.

For now, here's some FREE Tea Leaves from Restaurant City, available 24 hours only:
