FarmVille Dog Treats + Puppy Kibble quick links
Goooooooood Morning Facefolks, it's Mr. Cheats here with the down-lo on the stuff you shouldn't know.
By now, you've probably heard the news that FarmVille's cute little dudes can grow into man's best friend. Now that you have a full-grown pal, you have to feed it treats for 14 days in a row to teach him/her a trick, which will hopefully be something helpful around the farm.
Much like the puppy kibble, you have to buy dog treats or rely on your FarmVille buddies to send one your way. Mr. Cheats wants to make that as easy as possible -- so here are the gifting quick links for kibble and treats. Click on the respective image below and start handing out treats like you're some high-falutin' dog whisperer.
Check out the rest of our FarmVille Cheats & Tips right here.
Mr. Cheats is here to serve -- if you have any questions or just wanna drop a line to say hello, add a comment down below.