Daily Blogwatch: Have You Sold Your Soul Lately?

Daily Blogwatch's James Altucher points out some of the best reads for investors around the Web
Daily Blogwatch's James Altucher points out some of the best reads for investors around the Web

Below are some of the best reads for investors from around the Web:

Ten weird clauses in sports contracts.

Have you accidentally sold your soul lately? An odd clause in an online retailer's fine print.

Felix Salmon gives his take on the letter John Paulson sent to investors about the Goldman Sachs (GS) deal.

Turns out chocolate is good for your liver. So which stocks will benefit?

Bespoke with its usual round-up of how all the country stock markets are doing. Guess which one is first.

Crossing Wall Street considers the new $100 bill.

The former Securities and Exchange Commission Chair Harvey Pitt thinks the SEC is betting the farm on its case against Goldman.

Nine ways to get a free upgrade to business class.
