Grow a tree in Tiki Resort with the Earth Day Charm


Tiki Resort has just rolled out a new charm in honor of the environmentally friendly Earth Day, and it's a fun one. The new Earth Day Charm when placed into the volcano (like all other charms) will grow an exclusive tree. There are three possible trees that you can get from the Earth Day Charm - but it is random, so you may have to end up placing more than three to get all of the trees you want.

Two of the trees are fairly run-of-the-mill trees, but there is one with hanging willow-like pieces that looks quite neat and would complement a tropical island very well. You can get an Earth Day Charm by receiving one from your friends as a gift, or buying one from the shop for 9 Facebook Credits. This new Earth Day charm is likely to be in and out quickly, so if I were you I'd try to get one as soon as possible!

Which game will you be celebrating Earth Day in?
