Earn 3 free Cafe Cash with this simple offer


Cafe World just loves to give players free ways to earn Cafe Cash, but we're not complaining! The latest is an easy set of questions on their "Earn Cash" page. Here's how you claim it:

First, click here to go to the Cafe Cash page. Near the top of the screen, there is a large banner that says "Do this free activity to earn Cafe Cash". Click the link that says "3 Cafe Cash" and a pop-up will come up with a few questions to answer and a short video on the left. There are five total questions asking about online and real life friendships, and making friends. Once you have answered all five questions (there are no right or wrong answers) and click the "Become a Fan" button, you will have earned your 3 free Cafe Cash. This video is an advertising partnership with KIN, a new Windows phone.

Easy right? If you want your free cash, go check it out!
