10-plus ways you can lose money by doing it yourself

Garding DIY can cost you money
Garding DIY can cost you money

The Moneyning blog recently did an excellent post on 10 expenses that will cost you more to do yourself than it would to hire someone to do it for you or simply just buy the finished product. This list, however, is just the tip of the iceberg. It included:

  1. Growing your own food

  2. Printing your own photos, notices, etc.

  3. Building your own computer

  4. Sewing your own basic clothes

  5. Making your own pet food

  6. Installing/altering appliances to make them more green

  7. Making your own musical instruments

  8. Fixing your small appliances

  9. Selling your own personal items (rather than using a consignment shops)

  10. Doing your own taxes

This list is just the starting point. There are plenty of other ill-advised DIY chores that just aren't worth the time, money or frustration. Here are three things to consider before you embark on that ambitious project.
