Free sample of high-tech toothpick to clean teeth

Free Flix sticks
Free Flix sticks

Hate flossing but love clean teeth? FLiX Sticks claim to clean teeth without the hassle of unwinding a foot of dental floss and poking it between your teeth. Think of a FLiX Stick as a high-tech toothpick. It's made of flexible rubber, has an ergonomic handle, and tapers at the end to fit in between your teeth.

They are disposable and come in three flavors: mint, orange, and regular. You can get a free sample on the FLiX Stick homepage. Look on the bottom right corner for a blue circle that says "Free Sample." It appears a few seconds after the homepage loads. Share you name, email, and address to get the freebie. You do not have to join their email list to get the freebie. FLiX Sticks is based in the U.K. so the samples will take some time to arrive.
