Happy Island: Build your own Cadillac Ranch tourist attraction

happy island crowdstar cadillac ranch items
happy island crowdstar cadillac ranch items

If you want to keep your Happy Island tourists from growing bored with the same old beach-side attractions, try entertaining them by creating your very own Cadillac Ranch. In case you're not familiar with the term 'Cadillac Ranch,' it refers to a real-life art installation in Texas, where 10 cars are buried, nose-first, in the ground, and has appeared in ads, on album covers and made a cameo in the Pixar film, Cars. ANY-way, three half-buried rides rolled into the Happy Island market on April 13. Here's the breakdown:

Land Cruiser: 3,400 coins
Half Caddy: 1,700 coins
Driven Aground: 2,600 coins

Happy Island cars
Happy Island cars

Have you started building your Cadillac Ranch in Happy Island yet?
