60% off coupon code

Updated sale sale

Get 60% off gift certificates to hundreds of restaurants through

using coupon code TREAT. The site normally sells $25 gift certs for $10, so with this coupon code they are $4 each. The code expires Thursday, April 15.

You'll also get a free $10 certificate with each order, though I'm not sure what it is good for and how it can be redeemed. A few restaurants price $25 certificates at $15 each. The coupon code TREAT also works on them, bringing your final price to $6.

Have you used before? Each restaurant sets the redemption rules so they can vary widely. Some specify days and times the certs can be used, other set a minimum food purchase amount above and beyond the value of your certificate (like $40 or $50 for a $25 cert). Almost all exclude tax, tip, and alcohol.

Buying a certificate supports WalletPop.
