Mafia Wars Scarface limited edition items arrive in Marketplace

mafia wars Scarface limited edition items arrive
mafia wars Scarface limited edition items arrive

Mafia Wars, like most mob-themed games (or pretty much 'mob' anything) owe everything to the classic films Godfather and Scarface. So it only make sense that Zynga's mobbed up Facebook game pay homage by releasing a series of 'Scarface' limited edition items, including the chainsaw from one of the most classic (and brutal) scenes in Hollywood history.

mafia wars scarface chainsaw deal gone bad
mafia wars scarface chainsaw deal gone bad

Each of these items cost Reward Points, and while they have -- alternately -- high Attack or Defense points, are only slightly more powerful than other weapons in the Marketplace. We recommend spending those hard-earned Reward Points if you're looking for a slight edge (though you'll have to buy lots to really see a benefit) or if you're one of those obsessive Mafia Wars collector types.

The only thing missing from the Scarface collection? An M16 assault rifle called 'My Little Friend.'
