Flutter game on Facebook: And now for something completely different

flutter on Facebook
flutter on Facebook

For social gamers who are fed up with the Facebook gaming clone wars -- that seemingly endless glut of me-too farming games, virtual pet sims and, most recently, a combo of island/resort/treasure hunting games -- New Zealand based game company Runaway, promises something completely different with its upcoming genre-bending game called Flutter.

In Flutter, players take control of a series of butterflies, navigating them through various nature-themed environments, pollinating flowers and "constructing a thriving eco-system of flora and fauna with their friends." Due to the game's social nature, it will have some of the trappings of other Facebook games -- working with friends, time-sensitive game mechanics -- but the overall look and feel of the game (see trailer above) is reminiscent another genre-busting game -- Flower for PlayStation 3 (where players take control of the wind and blow flower petals through the air changing the surrounding environment), which has, arguably, changed the definition of console gaming.
