Returning To Work: Top 5 Tips for Finding Childcare

working mom
working mom

Whether you spent an entire year (or two) home with a new baby, or just the bare-bones amount of time allotted for maternity leave, the transition back to work for a new mom can be extraordinarily difficult.

After my son was born in 2007, I had the great luxury of staying home with him for an entire year. During that time, I started my own "mommy blog," called Perfectly Disheveled, which led to me to a fortunate writing position with a huge parenting site. Taking that year off allowed me to home in on what I really wanted to do with my career: write about what I knew. It also allowed me to say goodbye to a career path that wasn't ever going to be kid-friendly. (Apparently, television producers don't appreciate the importance of sleep training and day-care pick up/drop off times).
