Daily Blogwatch: The Sluggish Recovery and Freakonomics vs. ObamaCare
Below are some of the best stories for investors from around the Web:
Super entrepreneur and all-around rich guy Mark Cuban writes about why you should never listen to your customers.
I teach my kids how to ride a bike and how to value stocks.
Bronte Capital explains why they are short First Solar (FSLR).
Which 10 stocks right now have the characteristics that Ben Graham would like?
Do blonds make more money than brunettes?
US News reports on why the recovery is so slow. What's most interesting in the article are the comments; one commenter puts the blame on a certain class of people. I'm starting to see comments like that on many message boards. People seem to feel comfortable posting these things even when they are not anonymous. I wonder if this is what it was like in Nazi Germany when the same group was scapegoated for their economic troubles.
The Good News Economist thinks the U.S. economy is on a job growth spurt.
Freakonomics guru Steven Levitt is against the health care bill and explains why.