Pet Society: Do or Dye at the Hair Stylist

Hair Stylist at Pet Society Clothing Store
Hair Stylist at Pet Society Clothing Store

Have you checked out the new Hair Stylist section in the Clothing store? For 2 Playfish cash, you can color your pet's hair-er, wig. Make sure to wear the wig when visiting the shop, so you can preview the colors. Many pets are going wild over this new feature, but we're wondering when the chair and hair dryer will be sold. Sushi wants to set up his own mop shop!

Color Me Brown
Do blonds have more fun? We think not! This pet darkened her blond bouffant, but is now having trouble deciding on the shade. Help her choose. Personally, I like dark brown. It's very Agent 99.

Brown Pet Society Wigs
Brown Pet Society Wigs

This article originally appeared on Pet Society Anonymous.
