Cafe World: Super Stove Cheats and Link Hacks


Ever since I posted the tutorial on how to rapidly build the Super Stoves in Cafe World, I imagined that pretty soon somebody will manage to find a cheat for Super Stoves or at least hack the links so we can easily get the materials we need to complete the awesome stove.

However, I was unable to find such a cheat to share with you, but I am 100% sure that something like that exists so I am asking you, our beloved readers, to post in the comment section any Super Stove cheats you might have and I'll update this article to help everybody get that amazing item on their Cafe.

UPDATE: I have managed to find the Super Stove links/cheats/glitches to send any of the Super Stove needed items. Here they are and make sure you click them ASAP!

Grill Rings:

Metal Plate Link:

Computer Chip:

Control Knob:

This article originally appeared on Social Games Help.
