Spring break in DC and Philly affordable thanks to Megabus

Traveling by Megabus a bargain option
Traveling by Megabus a bargain option

Just in time for spring break season, Megabus started a service between Washington, D.C. and Philadelphia on March 21. The bus route, tickets for which run between $1 and $10, opens up a new set of options for East Coast college students looking for an affordable spring break.

But realistically speaking, are the nation's capitol or the birthplace of the cheesesteak as riveting as a sunny beach in Mexico?

"There's a lot to D.C. that gets swept under the rug that is the Mall and the museums," said Allen Hunter, a senior majoring in history at Georgetown University. "Tourists come and they see one small sector, but really, there's a whole lot to D.C. that's off the beaten path."
