Real estate open house a setting for reality theater

New play about real estate takes place in homes for sale
New play about real estate takes place in homes for sale

This may be the 2010 version of "Tony & Tina's Wedding" -- "Full Disclosure" is a reality play about the trials and tribulations of selling real estate in Los Angeles, set in an actual house for sale. Think of it as the ultimate open house.

"Full Disclosure," a play by Ruth McKee, produced by the Ovation award-winning Chalk Repertory Theatre in Los Angeles, explores the Los Angeles real estate market and the people who are the players in it. Set up as an open house, the audience is invited into a seller's home by the character Sunny, a singer-turned-realtor. And right now, real realtors are being solicited to provide the home or homes where the play will be staged. Still with me?
