YoVille: A Tour Around The New YoVille Castle

A Tour Around The New YoVille Castle 1
A Tour Around The New YoVille Castle 1

This month on YoVille, you will be living your own fairytale. The whole town is busy discovering the amazing castle that was added to the market.

We'll start our tour from the main entrance were you will have to cross a small bridge built above a small river. Yes, there is a very cool river at the huge wooden gate of the castle.

The house castle has new stone wallpapers, special wooden doors and a huge stone stair that is not available in any other house. Also, there is a very big roof top and a green backyard that you can decorate with all the enchanted items you can afford to buy.

A bunch of pictures can be found after the link collected by our forum manager Spiralda.
