Unreleased FarmVille items: Hanging Tomato, Red/Yellow Tulip Knoll, Chef Statue, FV Monument

FarmVille Unreleased Items
FarmVille Unreleased Items

Thank you to FarmVille Freak Xan995's for finding the FarmVille Hanging Tomato, Red Tulip Knoll, Yellow Tulip Knoll, Chef Statue, and FV Monument!


1. FarmVille Unreleased Hanging Tomato – FarmVille Zynga
2. FarmVille Unreleased Red Tulip Knoll – FarmVille Zynga
3. FarmVille Unreleased Yellow Tulip Knoll – FarmVille Zynga
4. FarmVille Unreleased Chef Statue – FarmVille Zynga
5. FarmVille Unreleased FarmVille Monument – FarmVille Zynga

This article originally appeared onFarmVille Freak.
