Mafia Wars: Chop Shop is Now the Unicorn Castle

Mafia Wars Unicorn Shop Logo
Mafia Wars Unicorn Shop Logo

Because we all know that the first things you think of when playing Mafia Wars are pretty fairytale unicorns, Zynga has decided to overhaul the Chop Shop, turning it from a car lot into a factory for creating (mostly) adorable little unicorns! Everyone say "Aww."

The Unicorn Castle has immediately replaced the Chop Shop in its location on the New York properties bar. It comes in the form of a shiny lavender castle, and it requires Magic Potions to create unicorns, like the armored Warcorn, the chilly Icecorn, the colorful Rainbowcorn and so on – one unicorn is available for each of the Unicorn Castle's 10 available levels.
