FarmVille Unreleased Tossing Tomatoes, Mail Truck, and Wedding Gazebo

FarmVille Unreleased Tossing Tomatoes, Mail Truck, and Wedding Gazebo

Thank you to FarmVille Freak Lisa for finding the unreleased FarmVille Tossin Tomatoes Game, Mail Truck, and Wedding Gazebo.

Note: There is no release date for Unreleased items or guarantee that they will actually make it to the FarmVille Market.

FarmVille Unreleased Tossin Tomatoes – Zynga FarmVille
FarmVille Unreleased Mail Truck – Zynga FarmVille
FarmVille Unreleased Wedding Gazebo – Zynga FarmVille

What do you think of these Unreleased items?

This article originally appeared on FarmVille Freak.
