Daily Blogwatch: What Are Hedge Fund Managers Doing at 5 a.m.?


Below are some of the best reads for investors from around the Web:

Whoah! Apple's (AAPL) Steve Jobs and Google's (GOOG) Eric Schmidt hanging out together ... at a coffee shop! A) What were they talking about? B) It's good to see Jobs up and around. C) What's that black thing on the table?

The Huffington Post has some casting ideas for the movie version of Andrew Ross Sorkin's Too Big to Fail.

What hedge fund managers are doing at 5:00 in the morning.

Old School Value provides some interesting ideas on stocks trading for less than their net asset value.

Uber-blogger Paul Kedrosky's list of best books about the financial crisis.

Interesting stuff: Credit ratings broken down by email provider. Are @aol.com (AOL) people more creditworthy than those who use gmail?

Notable Calls explains why AAPL is still a buy.

Seven stories the National Enquirer actually got right.

How to rebuild after losing your fortune.

Champion trader and champion squash player Victor Niederhoffer on what it takes to raise your kid to be a champion.
