Hot News on HousingWatch This Week


Check out Diane Keaton's latest project (a house, not a movie), or pick up some pointers on savvy homeownership - like whether to pay extra towards your mortgage, and how to lower your home's assessment. It's all in our top posts on HousingWatch this week.

1.Donald Trump's Foreclosed Condo Hotel in Fort Lauderdale Leaving Buyers in Legal Hell
Buyers in Florida who were seduced by the Trump name to put down deposits on million-dollar condos are having major regrets now, as the property slips into foreclosure before even being finished.

2. Does it Make Sense to Pay Your Mortgage Down Early?
Think you're being virtuous by agreeing to your lender's offer to let you pay a little extra towards your mortgage each month for an early payoff? See our assessment of why it might be a better deal to put that "extra" cash somewhere else.
