Mafia Wars robbing comeback: More details unveiled

mafia wars robbing the second time around
mafia wars robbing the second time around

We've been hearing for a while now that robbing will be making a big comeback in Mafia Wars, and the official Mafia Wars blog has released some additional information on the new and improved feature:

There will be a few ways to rob people: one is from the Fight area of the game, which will let you steal from random players. The second is from a player's Profile page. Each of the player's properties will be color coded, which will let you know how difficult it will be to rob and stealing from larger properties requires more stamina and more mafia. Once you rob all of a player's properties, you can score a special robbing collection item, as well as earn more toward robbing mastery, starting as an apprentice and honing your skills to turn into a Grand Master Thief.

See more details on how Mafia Wars robbing will work after the jump >
