Initial Unemployment Claims Fall Slightly

Unemployment still high. Food line at the Yonge Street Mission, 381 Yonge Street, Toronto, Canada, 1930s. Wikimedia Commons.
Unemployment still high. Food line at the Yonge Street Mission, 381 Yonge Street, Toronto, Canada, 1930s. Wikimedia Commons.

The number of initial unemployment claims improved slightly last week, but the job market remains weak.

It's one more indicator of a weak economic recovery. The stock market may be at its highest point since fall 2008 -- go figure -- but the number of initial unemployment claims is still too high to lend much support to the value of your home or help those at risk of losing their houses to foreclosure.

Initial unemployment claims fell to a seasonally adjusted 442,000 for the week ending March 20. That's a decrease of 12,000 from the week before, according to the U.S. Department of Labor.
