PetVille Mystery Gifts: Find out what's inside

PetVille mystery gifts
PetVille mystery gifts

FarmVille's has 'em. So does Mafia Wars and Cafe World. So it was only a matter of time that PetVille get a mystery gift of its own. Starting March 19, you have been able to send friends mystery gifts and a surprise will be waiting inside.

So far, PetVille mystery gift items inside have been completely random, and we couldn't say it better than PetVille-ian Neimuru who says in the official forums, "I absolutely love how random this stuff is. It's like having a crazy aunt that just wraps up stuff around her house for your birthday."

So far items found inside the PetVille mystery gifts include the following:

- bright ideas chair
- lord lizard
- russel (stuffed monkey)
- ultracon morpher
- mech assassin
- lovebear (white)
- ship in a bottle
- dvd
- red/yellow peace stone
- loopy swirl tea cup
- stack of linens
- ultra waves laundry detergent
- pink plastic laundry basket
- lucky cupcake
- porcelain lamp
- giraffe
- elephant
- bubble pipe
- egyptian plant

What did you find inside your PetVille mystery gifts? Send a pic to and we will post it here!
