Low-VOC Paints Now Make You Go Mmmm

Anna Sova's Line of Food Paints
Anna Sova's Line of Food Paints

According to Consumer Reports March issue, low-volatile organic compounds (V.O.C.) paints are more readily available. V.O.C.'s are those noxious fumes that have been proven to cause short- and long-term adverse health effects while also contributing toxic gasses into the ozone.

But the magazine points out this new batch of eco-friendly paints are not necessarily odorless.

A new breed of paint boasts smells reminiscent to milkshakes, chocolate and clean laundry? Yum. Not only are manufacturers making paints healthier by lowering the number of pollutants they emit, but often the natural products they use to create these paint cleverly change with the way they smell.
