Mafia Wars: 3 New Achievements for Going Mobile


Zynga seems to love mobile gaming, since the developers have introduced three brand new achievements to Mafia Wars, all of them related to mobile play:

Mafia Wars Mobile Acheivements
Mafia Wars Mobile Acheivements

As you can see in the images above, the three new Mafia Wars achievements are:
Mobile and Dangerous
(for signing up for Mafia Wars Mobile)
Mobile Hit (for fighting through Mafia Wars Mobile)
Working Remotely (for doing 100 jobs through Mafia Wars Mobile)

So... what is this Mafia Wars Mobile, after all?

It's a new feature of Zynga's game which only applies to some countries for now, and you can play the game via a mobile phone.

Would you go mobile in Mafia Wars?

This article originally appeared on Social Games Help.
