Social City: Eiffel Tower clone and other new buildings, c'est arrive!

social city trifle tower
social city trifle tower

If you've been one of the millions flocking to Playdom's Social City, you'll probably be pleased to learn that you can now add a touch of France to your city with a new Eiffel Tower clone, aka the "Trifle Tower." The tower is considered a 'leisure' building and will unlock at level 10. Owning one of these beauties will bump up the town's happiness level by 20,000 points and experience points by 1,022XP.

Other nifty new buildings include the Daily News (unlocked at level 19), Ferris Wheel, Royal Casino, Luxury Condos. A few new gifts were released as well.

social city introduces new gifts and buildings
social city introduces new gifts and buildings

Which new Social City building do you want the most?
