Pet Society: Decorating Easter Eggs

Easter Egg decorating in Pet Society
Easter Egg decorating in Pet Society

We're impressed by the size of the new Easter eggs that were just released in Pet Society. As you can see, they're bigger than the King Burger or Mega Pancakes. But unlike the giant food, they're not edible, so there's no danger of your pet (or petling) consuming them.

These eggs, which make up the third set for Easter in Pet Society, can be found in the Furniture Shop for 200-400 coins each. Optional pastel-colored holders go for 100 coins. The decoration from the Easter Mystery Eggs cost more at 400 coins each.

While we like the eggs themselves, we didn't think the decorations were so hot. The light-blue ribbon looks like something from a used car dealership, and the ghostly smiley face feels out of place on the egg. We thought the smiley face was better as a prop for a play.

Ghostly smiley face on a prop
Ghostly smiley face on a prop

This article originally appeared on Pet Society Anonymous.
