Sears Tweets its job openings


Sears has nearly 7,000 job openings and is now soliciting applicants using Twitter. These are not new jobs to support a growing business, but openings that need to filled at existing locations. This number -- 7,000 -- caught my attention, but the use of Twitter by Sears was even more interesting. Sears, Twitter and 7,000 available jobs aren't words often seen strung together, until now.

We keep hearing about people getting hired because of social networking, but now companies are recruiting through Twitter with increasing frequency. Sears is just the latest large company to use a service like TweetMyJOBS to find applicants for all kinds of positions. "We're Tweeting jobs from cashier all the way to vice president of our company," says a Sears spokeswoman. "And reaching out to a whole group of job seekers that might not be looking at traditional job boards."
