FishVille swims in loads of new (and slightly pricey) St. Patrick's Day decor


FishVille's getting into the St. Patrick's Day spirit (at the last minute!) with a series of new tank decor and background, which includes the typical -- Leprechaun, clovers, pot of gold and gold horseshoe -- to the bizarre -- a cupcake decorated with a clover that sits in your fish tank? Sounds like a big soggy mess if you ask us.

These St. Pat's Day items also don't come cheaply -- most of these require spending sanddollars (which cost real-life cash), or 50,000 coins and up. We like leprechauns as much as the next person, but for 6 sanddollars? FishVille might be pressing its luck.

Do you think FishVille's St. Patrick's Day items cost a little too much?
