California Dodges Top Honors on 'Worst Real Estate' List

Storms in Miami real estate
Storms in Miami real estate

I'm thrilled. For once, the great budget-challenged state of California, where I happen to reside, is not at the top of someone's list for bad stuff. No sir. Because when it come to who has the worst -- and I mean absolute worst -- residential real estate market in all these U.S., California's cities and towns are beaten by....oh, this is sweet....I can hardly contain myself.... Miami!!! YES!!

According to a recent tally from First American CoreLogic, the country's worst real estate market is in the greater Miami area. It seems that one-quarter of all mortgages there are at least 90 days delinquent. Heck, many Californians can't even count to 90! (It's our de education system.)

Care to know who is next in line? Nope, not a California city!! Not even a city at all, actually. According to the report, the second worst real estate market in the country after Miami is.....the entire rest of the state of Florida!
