Happy Aquarium's demo tank takes a trip to Ireland

Happy Aquarium demo tank in Ireland
Happy Aquarium demo tank in Ireland

That gorgeous vista you're seeing in this week's new Happy Aquarium demo tank is called the "Emerald Isle" and goes for 36 Pearls or 30 Facebook Credits, which is a moderate pricing as far as tank wallpapers go. The "Fluffy Cloud" (there's two being used here) are animated and not connected to the wallpaper, so they can be bought separately for 12 Pearls or 10 Facebook Credits.

St. Paddy's items released last week are also being showcased here, along with the reappearance of "Scuba Cat", who debuted with the Tiki Island theme. But the glistening shamrock sword, called a "Kilt Pin" is new, along with the "Froggy Piper" on the bottom, who comes fully animated.

And before you ask, "Aren't kilts and bagpipes a Scottish thing?", let me assure you that Irish Pipe Bands wearing kilts have their roots in the two countries' Celtic past.
